
Name Description Downloads Last Modified
Name Description Downloads Last Modified
NFHS Points of Emphasis
Commentary from the National Federation of High School on rules and/or rule changes that should receive particular attention from referees.  Published by the National Federation of High Schools Soccer Rules Committee. 412 downloads Jul-15-2024
NFHS Soccer Rules Changes - Summary
Summary of rule changes adopted by NFHS for the current year.  Note that some rules may be superseded by FHSAA rules (e.g. Mercy Rule).  Published by the National Federation of High Schools. 670 downloads Jul-15-2024
Regional Playoff Procedures
Procedures related to FHSAA Regional Playoff Games, including how to report game scores, collecting referee fees, reviewing playoff rules, etc. 220 downloads Feb-03-2024
FHSAA Soccer Rule Modifications - with NFSOA commentary
A list of NFHS rules that have been modified by FHSAA, along with commentary on each rule from NFSOA. 321 downloads Nov-03-2023
Contact information for NFSOA Assignor Allison King.  VCF format. 112 downloads Oct-02-2023
Presentation materials as shared during the NFSOA pre-season member meeting.  Converted to PDF format. 820 downloads Sep-11-2023

A quick reference guide to the differences between NCAA, High School Federation Rules and IFAB Laws of the Game.  Published by the National Intercollegiate Soccer Officials Association (NISOA).

2469 downloads Sep-06-2023
FHSAA Soccer Manual
Manual describing soccer procedures for the Florida High School Athletic Association.  Also includes soccer rules that are specific to FHSAA concerning blue cards, mercy rule and overtime procedures.  Published by FHSAA. 532 downloads Sep-05-2023
FHSAA Officials Guidebook
Manual that includes officials program rules, regulations and policies for officials of all FHSAA sports.  Contains rules modifications for individual sports.  Also known as the "gray book" 455 downloads Sep-05-2023
NFHS Soccer Officiating Systems
An introduction to the dual system of officiating. Fundamentals of mechanics are presented so those unfamiliar with the mechanics will be motivated to study other material dealing with the subject. 224 downloads Sep-05-2023
Instructions on printing the address labels that are required in order to get paid for some games 374 downloads Nov-04-2022
Step-by-step instructions, including screen shots, for how to access the FHSAA Rules Exam. 390 downloads Oct-15-2021
IRS Form W-9.  You must provide a completed W-9 form to each school in order to get paid.  Most schools require you to provide a new copy each year. 409 downloads Oct-04-2021